A relationship on the rocks,
chaos all the time,
chaos all week,
chaos inside,
a maelstrom of the heart,
the voodoo arts,
plucking at the heart strings,
a million times,
chaos that you wish you could ignore,
and pay it no mind,
and uncertain love how it does sit so,
uncomfortably inside,
yes, chaos, tearing you apart,
chaos decimating the mind,
chaos discombobulating the thoughts,
chaos in your moods,
moods like hurricanes,
angry, bitter, and destructive,
moods going nowhere,
except around in circles all the time.
A relationship on the rocks,
and broken hearts,
and frequent shouting,
and misunderstanding,
and words that are cruel and unkind,
and vitriol that is never-ending,
and as they say love is blind,
blind a lot of the time,
and stupid and idiotic,
and neurotic and jealous,
oh, the frailties of the heart,
and humankind,
love, far too tragic far too often,
and happiness is far too often,
far too often,
far away from the heart and the mind.

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