Ancient castle

Ancient castle

Ancient castle upon the hill amidst the fog,
I look at you and you seem to have weathered it all,
I look at you and you do not look like you are about to fall, and I wish I had the strength of you,
I wish I had the strength of you, but I do not at all,
for my heart is soft,
and I always seem to fall for the wrong type,
the wrong type of person who ends up being cruel,
and I wish it were not true,
I wish it were not true because it is insufferable,
but I have been through it so many times,
and I, I need to build my defences, but it is getting it right,
and I do not want to be too harsh or too cold,
and I do not wish to build my defences too high,
and I want to be honest and open,
and I want to be kind and compassionate,
but with a tougher edge,
a tougher edge to me than before,
and I need to be a new me,
and like the ancient castle upon the hill.

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