An almost silent stream,
water flowing,
water flowing gently,
over rocks and carrying twigs and branches of trees,
and leaves,
and reflections in the water of happy faces,
gazing into the water lovingly,
oh, what majesty in the colours beneath,
beneath the surface,
the glorious colours of the rocks and the stones,
and upon the fish that swim around so rapidly,
and time,
time passes by so slowly,
and quietly,
and happily,
and in the eyes, there is a light filled with magnificence,
and visions of the shallow and of the deep,
and oh, how the heart it leaps,
how the heart it leaps at the sight,
as the stream flows below the blue sky,
and the leaves upon the trees blow in a gentle breeze,
and the mind it is calm,
calm amidst the wonders of nature,
that so gloriously thrill the mind, and fill the heart,
and create beautiful memories that inside you,
inside you,
you will forever keep.

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