What is history poem

What is history poem

With so many lives lost from war,
what is history,
if we do not learn from it,
now, why does the human race continue to suffer,
when we are capable of such kindness,
and capable of such compassion,
intellect and wit?
And, for all the bones of the people that have been killed,
and who lay buried in the Earth,
with all the agony,
and the suffering,
is not life more precious than all the land,
the greed, and the wealth?
Oh, war and murder,
such a seemingly unending strife,
what is the point of a continually tortured,
and a murdered life?
Yes, do we really,
value life so little,
for such has been the history of man,
ever brutal and oppressive,
and with such great hate,
unleashed because of greed,
and with wealth,
profit and savagery going hand in hand,
dear humanity,
I beg of thee,
isn’t it time for another plan?

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