What good is the mind without peace poem

What good is the mind without peace poem

What good is the mind,
without peace in the twenty first century?
What is the mind, but a sea,
a billion neurons of interconnectivity,
points of light and possibilities beyond compare,
with billions of thoughts,
created floating gently through the air.
The brain, a universal tool, without which we are nowhere,
but in the ground,
and of the chemical elements of the universe,
the Earth, the sky and the sea.
But, for the evolution of the time of us,
so, do we, learn and educate,
and create, and progress and advance,
and learn from past mistakes in history,
and sow ideas and try to understand and innovate,
and try to better ourselves, and advance humanity,
and grateful for our chance at life,
we strive to live happily amongst friends and family,
and we struggle when the time is right,
and stand up and fight,
to improve understanding,
and protest war, and from war set us free,
and victorious,
create a peaceful history.

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