What a world it is

What a world it is

Oh, what a world it is,
with such tragedies and insanities,
and oh, what dark thoughts and dreams,
and plans wrought from cold hearts and minds,
and what fearful cogitations there are,
that form some men and women’s machiavellian schemes,
machiavellian schemes that help destroy society,
schemes that devastate so many nations,
and that come from the ego,
the selfishness, the bitterness,
and the hatred that men and women keep within,
and because of misunderstanding,
and the inability to listen,
and the lack of compassion,
what terrible evil they unleash upon the world,
again and again,
and because of their delusions and ego,
how the world suffers,
and sadly mostly, the evil never repent,
and continue with their evil ways until their lives are spent,
and how terribly the world is damaged,
and ravaged because of their terrible ideas,
and how many people suffer the terror,
and the evil ideas that spew forth from their vicious minds,
and what despicable acts they cause,
what violent brutal acts,
what tortures, murders, and wars,
that are inflicted so cruelly upon humankind,
thoughts and devastation caused by evil cogitation,
and contemplation,
thoughts guided by ignorance,
and not by education,
and the hate and the greed of the times,
oh, the suffering and the slaughter of mankind,
what insanity it is,
and what sickness there is in the dark hearts,
and the dark minds of leaders,
who with power in their hands,
belittle and cajole,
and rule their people with fear,
and kill people so needlessly all the time.

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