The train

The train

The train it left at half past ten,
and I saw you get on it,
heading to somewhere,
somewhere that you did not know,
yes, I saw you struggling to find a space,
yes, I saw you not really knowing,
where you were going,
and I saw the train leave,
I saw you leave, and I knew your fate,
Yes, I knew the horror,
and I contemplated it.
I let it sink in and I felt sick.
I watched you head to Auschwitz,
I watched you leave again and again.
And I paused the video countless times,
and I saw your faces in the still frames,
I watched the inhumanity in humanity,
I watched the women,
the children and the men,
yes, the train it left at half past ten,
and I saw you get on it,
heading to somewhere,
somewhere that you did not know.
I watched over and over,
you headed to Auschwitz,
I watched you headed to Auschwitz,
never to be seen alive again,
except on video.

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