

Ragged as the night.
Ragged but with a mind,
a mind so rugged and inclined to take the knife,
inclined to take the knife,
to slash whoever so does get in your way,
so, come forth whoever shall step up to your face,
come forth,
come forth those who would challenge you,
for that is the mood these days,
the mood,
wanting to be ready to fight,
wanting to cut up another,
wanting to kill another with delight,
wanting to kill another with barely a flicker of the eyes,
and wanting and wanton,
wanting at any time to be ready for a fight,
wanting to cut up another,
wanting to kill another
wanting to kill another with barely a rhyme or reason why,
except greed and hatred,
for ragged is the night,
and the pills that you have taken have made you high,
and off you go, out of your mind,
to look for your victim seeking the adrenaline,
and the rush that comes from stabbing,
with barely any sensible rhyme or reason why,
but why, is society such a way,
and so callous and cold blooded and unfeeling,
not that you care,
for ragged is the night,
ragged, but with a mind,
a mind so rugged and inclined to take the knife,
a mind so inclined to thrust it into the gut of an enemy,
or an innocent person,
a mind so inclined to let their blood spill,
as their life flashes before their eyes,
for ragged is the night,
and you are ragged of mind,
and discombobulated of thought,
yes, you with the inhumanity to humanity,
and the devil in his eyes,
the devil in his eyes.

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