O to the Universe,
O to the land, O to the sea.
O to the earth that has brought me up and blessed me.
For here I am upon where I stand.
From the universe,
and out of nature’s firmament,
and from out of the earth,
from out of woman and man,
I am by chance a being with many choices,
and many plans.
A being created to learn, and educate,
and to wander and roam, and to be happy and sad,
and to feel every emotion and to grow,
and with some emotions already known,
and with others yet unknown,
to love and to share,
to be compassionate and to care,
to learn to exist, to wonder at this,
oh, such a wonderful gift,
whence did it come, and will we ever know?
Will we ever truly know,
for how lucky we are to be blessed to live,
and to breathe in all the seasons,
and to feel all the sensations,
and all the emotions in the sun,
the rain, and the winter snows.

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