In the faces of war, how haunting the looks,
that we have seen so many times before,
in the faces of war,
how much pain and suffering there is,
and how much agony in the cold vacant stares,
and in the numbness,
numbness that eviscerates any coherent thoughts,
it is terror repeated,
a terror repeated seemingly without shame,
over and over and over again,
and oh, the agony, the suffering, and the loss,
a terrible thing, and the tears are never ending,
and they flow with barely a pause,
and in the faces of war,
how many times have we seen them before.
And in the faces of war,
how devastating are the haunted looks,
and how tragic and how sad,
because for so many years,
how many times have there been wars,
and how many times have there been such genocides,
and such brutalities and cruelties,
and losses of human life,
that we have seemingly watched on a loop,
repeatedly a million times or more,
and in the faces of war,
isn’t that enough to take notice,
and to learn, and to go back to the books,
for war never should be,
and war and death,
how often we bemoan its ugliness and its cruelty,
and throughout human history,
we carry on not protesting enough,
not trying to change the world enough,
not trying to listen enough,
and not trying to understand enough,
but if we did,
war would never again ever be, probably,
but most likely, the increasing speed of travel,
will put an end to war forevermore,
and what would be the point,
destroying whole countries in seconds,
for it would be as stupid as stupid can be,
as stupid as firing nuclear missiles,
and a much greater tragedy.

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