Bleak of mind, bleak of heart,
wherefore does thou wander,
wherefore does thou think of when lonely of heart,
wherefore does thou wander when bleak of mind,
when bleak of heart, wherefore does thou wander,
when the stage is far, far too dark,
and what lifts you up,
when there is such blackness in your heart,
what lifts you up,
what brings the light again, what brings the light,
what brings the magic that inspires,
and lights the eyes once more,
for savage is the night when the loss of love,
and the loss of life wraps itself around you,
when the loss of love,
and loved ones captures you in its mood,
and it shatters your mind, and you are traumatised,
oh, what great magical potion is needed,
to rejuvenate the soul, when you are bleak of mind,
and when you are bleak of heart,
and wherefore does thou wander,
when your heart is torn asunder, and your mind does pause,
and is bombarded by a million thoughts,
and your mind is like a whirlwind that never stops,
but how you wish it would stop,
yes, what does one think of when lonely of heart,
because life is a struggle all the time,
and how much of a battlefield it is,
and how easily darkness feeds the destruction of the mind,
and how tragic darkness is when it swallows you up,
and when it kills every feeling inside,
and how you have to fight and battle,
and conjure up a miracle,
it seems these days to put things right,
and what a miracle you need to lift your spirits,
before you vanish permanently into the eternal night,
and what a miracle you need when your spirits are low,
and what a miracle you need,
before you shuffle off this mortal coil,
and it is the end, and it is far too late,
for there is no resurrection from the ending of a life,
as far as we know there is no resurrection at all,
and nothing whatsoever to put it right,
so, when you are bleak of mind,
and bleak of heart,
hold on,
hold on with everything that you have got,
hold on and listen to positivity in all its forms,
and shut out any negativity and walk away,
for if you persevere, and continue to fight,
everything will be alright,
so do not listen to the voices of the night,
but walk on, and reach for the light,
no matter how small a chink of light it is,
just think bright, and surround yourself with friends,
and learn to enjoy yourself again,
and think bright, bright, think bright,
until the passing of the darkness and the coming of the light.

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