In heaven

In heaven

In heaven I wait,
as the angels stand either side of heavens gates,
and I pound and I pound,
but I am not heard,
I am not heard in heaven today,
and so, I turn to the angels,
and, no one will let me in,
no, not even they, as they do not have the key,
and as far as I can tell God has gone away,
God has gone away,
and I am in limbo in my dreams,
trapped on the edge of heaven,
but I am not alone with the angels who smile so beautifully,
and I have no clue where God is and I do not wish to guess,
but despite God being missing the angels,
they are cheerful anyway,
and after several days of feasting and chatting away,
surprisingly, the devil appears carrying shopping and undresses before us,
and washes off the red paint upon his body,
and takes off his horns and his tail,
and says surprise as the angel’s smile,
and introduces himself as God,
and then has a good laugh about it,
and says he went food shopping,
and then I rapidly awake,
what a strange dream,
what a strange dream today.

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