Havoc and destruction, and no satisfaction,
and savage acts by uncool cats,
with limited capacity for compassion,
and the inability to listen and to understand,
and with lust and greed in their hearts and in their minds,
and with their evil machivellian plans and schemes,
for massive killing sprees,
devised by their vicious mentalities,
and their thoughts filled with barbarous insanities,
oh, what terrible times are these, what terrible times,
filled with ignorance and hate and war,
and thoughts of killing with weapons,
that have greater and greater capacity,
greater capacity to murder,
to murder far more rapidly,
and with the capacity for killing much more quickly,
and much more effectively and much more destructively,
oh, when will we see,
when will we see that peace is better,
far better than this vicious cycle of insanity,
that plays out far too often in our ears and before our eyes,
on the radio, and on the television,
and in the newspapers and in the magazines,
and online,
oh, how sad the cruelty, the barbarity,
and the evil inflicted by humanity,
the tortures, the rapes, the murders,
and the seemingly incessant war, war, war!

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