Have we done enough,
have we done enough for we expostulate,
and explain our ways with such regimented ways,
and because of which,
we have such narrow bands within which to operate,
because we do not take the time to understand,
and to listen and we have far too little patience,
far too little patience and far too little time,
and the world seemingly continually,
walks through minefields of the mind,
minefields of the mind,
and we fight and we fight, and we fight,
and it is not right,
it is not right,
for where there is darkness should not,
should not we be bringing light?
Should not we be bringing more light?
And should not,
should not we try everything that we can,
to get along better together,
and oh, how we suffer,
and the world suffers through the lack of education of man,
and how peace is thwarted by the stupidity,
and illogicality of poorly thought-out words,
and in the scheme of things,
the pain it brings it should never be, it should never be,
but how often poorly thought-out words thwart peace,
and continually ruin humanities plans.

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