Far beyond the lights,
far beyond the shore,
in the darkest of nights in the anxiety of the times,
headed for war,
headed for war with eyes on the horizon,
and on a moonlit night with trepidation,
and hearts beating fast,
and with men and women heading for destruction,
far away from their relatives,
relatives who will never get the chance,
the chance to say goodbye to the men,
and the women who will never get to laugh or cry again,
far beyond the lights,
far beyond the shore,
the grim reaper awaits to dispense the brutality caused by such vicious mentality,
from which there is no return,
only a return to the Earth,
to lay in all seasons forever more.
And in the cold and in the heat of the day
and in all weathers and in the sun,
the rain and the snow,
far across the Earth they will go,
far across the Earth,
to fight the enemy,
and no matter what and seemingly endlessly,
to kill and to bleed and to die in a foreign land so far away,
because war is caused,
by the thoughtlessness of a handful of people,
people who think that they know better,
better than the men and the women,
that they are sending to their deaths,
thousands of miles away,
whilst the leaders they sit mostly behind their desks,
and with such certainty,
make the decision so needlessly,
and countlessly throw so many lives away,
and far beyond the lights,
far beyond the shore,
so, it continues for more sacrifices are needed,
and the blood lust continues with the bullets,
the bombs and the guns,
and so too with the weapons manufacturers,
calling out for more,
more death,
more blood,
more money and better weapons than before,
but how soon is the end,
how soon is the end who knows,
but there will be protests and protests,
protests which will usually fall on deaf ears,
but with improved weaponry how soon is the end,
how soon is the end?
Probably much sooner than before.

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