

You are exotic, neurotic, quixotic,
in your mind set, but you do not care,
and you would rather forget,
the practicalities of a normal life, and the daily grind,
and I admire you for your chaotic ways,
that leave most in a daze,
chaotic ways,
that leave a lot of people including your parents upset,
for you are a rebel and it is a pleasure that we met,
you with your neon hair,
and your mind a beautiful mess,
oh, how wonderful it is,
and how funny you are no less,
for you always have a cheerful smile upon your face,
and your happy go lucky ways,
they thrill me most days,
when you rebel, at everything that is wrong with the world,
in the most surreal ways,
and how crazy is the stage upon which you play,
the craziness of the world,
combated and protested by you,
with your beautiful verbosities,
that from your tongue so deliciously unfurl,
and that enter the world so delightfully,
and that bring me great respite from the negative atmosphere of daily life,
against which you so rightly protest,
with your rebel yells and jollity no less.

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