Don’t go

Don’t go

My friend, please don’t go,
please, don’t go to the land of winter and snow,
but stay a while,
and let me fill your heart with a gentle glow,
yes, please don’t go,
but stay a while, and let me make you smile,
and let us talk and laugh under the stars,
and the heavens,
until the sun comes up,
and we are worn out and tired,
and a little hazy from drinking the bottles of wine,
yes, let us drink a while,
red and white,
both will be fine,
and let us talk and forget all our maladies in great style,
because for you my friend, I wish for the best,
and I have no wish to see you disappear so fast,
and I have no wish for our conversation to end,
so, please don’t go, please, don’t leave and go,
to the land of winter and snow,
but stay a while,
and let me fill your heart with a gentle glow,
and let our conversation meander,
here and there and everywhere,
and let us laugh and joke,
because I have missed you my friend,
and how I appreciate you being here my friend,
because to me you are as a solid as an oak,
and always there for me,
and so am I for you,
and it is a shame that time does pass so fast,
so, let us drink this wine by the fire,
and let us forget the time whilst drinking wine,
and with smiles on our faces,
and great cheer in our hearts,
let not the conversation end,
until the dawn of the morning,
and the sunlight is streaming through the windows,
and reflecting in our eyes,
and its warmth entering our bodies,
and warming up our contented hearts.

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