

in my heart,
darkness in the day,
darkness wherefore thou art,
with your black moods,
that send my good spirits away,
darkness in the sky,
darkness in the news,
darkness every day,
all hard to take,
and hard to shift,
hard to lift from my soul,
hard to wipe from my eyes,
and you,
you walk around always like a rain cloud,
threatening to burst,
and threatening to send tears my way,
yes, darkness in my heart,
and darkness in the day,
darkness wherefore thou art,
oh, how I wish that you would find a more cheerful way,
a more cheerful way of being,
an epiphany,
yes, a better way,
and a symphony or a melody,
any change at all to light your path to a better place,
a better place that leads you away from the dark,
and to better days, but you,
you always seem so stuck in a rut to me,
that it would be,
that it would be a miracle to me,
but I am hopeful,
which is better than being gloomy,
and being like you, a misery,
and no, I do not know what troubles you,
because you never tell me,
no, you never tell me,
and sadly, it is a daily reality that I see,
and though I only know you a little,
it is not the way that I would want anyone to be,
and I have sympathy and empathy,
because mental health means a lot to me,
but some people are hard to reach,
no matter how much you reach out,
and no matter how much you try,
and whatever the words that you use,
rarely is there a smile,
but I hope that one day you will see,
that life does not always have to be all gloomy,
so, I wish for you,
and I pray for you I do to one day see,
that the hurricanes,
and the tornados whirling around inside you,
and your darkened moods they need not be,
but until you come to me,
or you talk to me,
you are mostly a stranger in the place where I work,
who’s daily struggles through life,
are written upon your face in expressions of misery,
but I will pray,
I will pray that through life you find a better way,
and you will be happy again,
but all you are to me is a stranger on a metaphorical train,
going to an unknown destination,
with a permanently sad face,
yes, going to an unknown destination,
but one that I cannot explain,
one that I do not understand,
but all I understand sadly,
is the expressions of your pain.

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