clouds hanging around,
and me wishing I was so calm,
wishing I was so calm and floating so free,
but unfortunately, it is not currently me,
it is not currently me,
because you have discombobulated me,
you have irritated me,
and you have annoyed me,
and you have disturbed me,
by being combative,
for no reason at all logically,
yes, damn you and your combative illogicality,
damn you,
and your anger over something so truly innocuous,
yes, there was truly no need for it,
but that is jealousy,
that is jealousy,
and with it,
how you have discombobulated me,
and I sit here,
wishing I could escape from it,
but wherever I will go,
it will still be in me,
and I wish it wasn’t so,
but I can only hope,
I can only hope that one day you will see,
that it is no good for either of us,
and it definitely is not the way,
that our relationship should be,
and I wish you,
were like the clouds,
hanging around so tranquilly,
but unfortunately,
but unfortunately,
you are more like a storm,
upon a raging sea.
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