Close your eyes

Close your eyes

Close your eyes,
and let the light of the sun wash over you,
and pay time no mind,
for time it passes so rapidly,
and life is far too complex and stressful,
and we, in life, have far too little time,
far too little time to unwind,
and the mind,
what good is it,
what good is the mind,
if to ourselves we are not kind,
and we should be, to ourselves kind,
but in modern life we have far too little time,
far too little time to sit still and relax,
and life is often far too stressful,
and we waste far too much time in modern times,
and it is sad to see humanity,
race everywhere and do everything so rapidly,
and life like this it should not be,
and life should not be a struggle,
as great as trying to hold back the oceans and the seas,
so, when you can find the time,
close your eyes,
and let the light of the sun wash over you,
and pay time no mind, because you have earnt it,
and, with a relaxed and a calm mind,
how much better it is for your heart,
and how much better life will be.

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