Break it, break the chain,
do not let it weigh you down with a never-ending refrain,
yes, break it, break the chain,
and leave before you are driven insane,
yes, break it and walk away if a relationship is unhealthy,
be brave and walk away, and be courageous,
no matter the words that they say to try and placate you,
for every day in an unhealthy relationship is a day wasted,
and it will only be another spent day complaining,
and there is no good complaining continually,
and it is much better for the heart to walk away,
and it is much better for the mind,
so be brave, and make the decision to end it all,
and do not listen to words that try to placate you with,
and that try to soften you,
for the longer an unhealthy relationship drags on,
you will only rue the day,
so, break it, break the chain,
and as fast as you can walk away, walk away,
for there is no good suffering continual mental abuse,
and no good in enduring verbal and physical attacks,
for that is not love, that is not true love,
that is control and it will not do you any good,
and how your mind will suffer and your heart,
so, break the chain, and do not let it weigh you down,
with a never-ending refrain,
so, break it, break the chain and leave,
leave and walk out the door before you are driven insane.

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