Alone I roam

Alone I roam

Alone, I roam, wherever there is a calm breeze and the sun,
because time means nothing to me,
and I despise how it flies as fast as a bullet from a gun,
and in the sun, you won’t see me run,
and I will only contemplate nothingness,
and bemoan with great sadness,
how fast modern life has become,
and I have no wishes for the bombacity of modern society,
and for huge amounts of material things,
because as a way of life,
wasting time on such materialism,
it is no good for my heart and my mind,
and because of the bombacity of modern life,
my mind will only unravel far too frequently,
and the heart it will with great strain,
encounter such stress and pain, again and again,
and I only wish for a simple life,
and to lay in the sun, at one with the world,
and not having to race around as time,
time it flies like a bullet from a gun,
and all this frantic chaos it is not much fun at all,
and at it my heart it cowers and at it it is appalled,
so here I sit alone in the sun, with a happy heart,
and with my mind as still and as calm as a lake,
and with great wonderment,
how beautiful nature is, and how wonderful life it is,
far from the madding crowds,
and far from modern life’s tireful pandemonium.

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