If you had have loved me,
if you had have loved me,
now where would I be,
I do not know,
but I am here,
and here in me,
there is a raging sea,
a raging sea,
and I cannot see,
I cannot see clearly,
for time has stopped,
and it is as if time only exists to torment me,
and to remind me of my loneliness,
and, oh, what a sad state of affairs it is,
and what great misery,
what great misery,
there is in me,
oh, if you had have loved me,
how much better life would have been,
how much better life truly would have been,
but sadly, it is not reality,
and you,
you rejected me,
and I had built my hopes up so high,
and I wanted our love to be,
but it was not to be,
and instead inside me, there is a raging sea,
a raging sea of uncertainty,
and how unbalanced I feel,
with so many mixed feelings in me,
and I cannot seemingly escape this misery,
for everywhere I go, I swear I see you,
and I think of you more than is healthy,
and it compounds the misery,
and there are few smiles upon my face these days,
though, I wish it were not the case,
but I cannot seem to forget you,
and I cannot stop thinking about what could have been,
and here alone,
is a terrifying place sometimes,
because it scares me,
it scares me that it may have been my last chance at love,
oh, what could have been,
oh, what could have been,
I do not know,
I do not know sadly,
but it was a magnificent dream,
a magnificent dream,
and unfortunately, here I stand,
pondering my future,
a future without love possibly,
and here I stand,
a single man,
a single man whose tear drops fall like rain,
far too frequently,
far too frequently.

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