A broken relationship

A broken relationship

A broken relationship, a relationship with a sad end,
a relationship destroyed with bitterness,
and acrimoniousness and with such vitriol,
and afterwards such hurt pride and such pain,
again, again, and again,
and with this hurt inside,
with this hurt inside turn to the sun and face the light,
and stay away from the darkness as best that you can,
and do not rush healing,
because healing can only be done with time,
and with this hurt inside, pay no mind,
pay no mind to trying to accomplish too much,
because this pain, this pain it will only go,
it will only go if you take the time to slow things down,
and you try to calm the mind,
because you can only be you again,
you can only be you again with effort, and with patience too,
and with good friends around you will get better in time,
and so, until then, turn to the sun and face the light,
and stay away from the darkness as best as you can,
and do not rush healing,
for healing can only be done with time,
and with time love and understanding,
will you pick yourself up again,
and only then,
will you learn to love yourself again,
and only with time,
with true love will you restore your pride once again.

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