Dark,disturbing,blood curdling screams,dark,nightmares,frightening daydreams.Daydreams where days do not seem to be reality.A weird place in time,a lost time in the garden of the mind,a place not really being me,a place…
I am better off alone,because humanity gives me a headache.yes, I am better off alone,because humanity gives me a belly ache.yes, I am better off alone,because the world it leaves…
An almost silent stream,cold,water flowing,water flowing gently,over rocks and carrying twigs and branches of trees,and leaves,and reflections in the water of happy faces,gazing into the water lovingly,oh, what majesty in…
Headache in Hawaii,Alka-Seltzer in a glass,Hawaii, plumeria,Hawaiian hibiscus,the bird of paradise,flowers outside my window as a Hawaii ʻAmakihi flies past,headache,Alka-Seltzer in a glass,Hawaii,sunshine,boozy nights and days,on the boats catching fish…
A relationship on the rocks,chaos all the time,chaos all week,chaos inside,a maelstrom of the heart,the voodoo arts,plucking at the heart strings,a million times,chaos,chaos that you wish you could ignore,and pay…