In the distance of time,in the distance of time between you and me,there is beauty in silence,there is silence in beauty,and reflection of a magnitude rarely felt,and in the silence,I…
The roar, the roar,the pounding of the waves upon the shore.The rise, the fall,the white horses so beautiful at the top of the waves,both large and small,and the roar, the…
A steady heart,a steady mind,an eye on the time,a sunset glow in the sky,with a sigh,as wispy clouds pass on by,and the sun it lights my face as I smile,and…
Have we done enough,have we done enough for we expostulate,and explain our ways with such regimented ways,and because of which,we have such narrow bands within which to operate,because we do…
You are exotic, neurotic, quixotic,in your mind set, but you do not care,and you would rather forget,the practicalities of a normal life, and the daily grind,and I admire you for…
A moment,as if in slow motion as you come into view,and when you do,I am always wary of you,beautiful you,broken you,damaged you,because in you,there is anxiety,and insanity,and your cold heart…
In the mirror,reflections of you,a gentle fragility,a gentle you,facing yourself,looking at yourself,sometimes over analysing yourself,sometimes being too hard on yourself and critical,sometimes being complimentary too,and always being truly aware of…