Summers evening

Summers evening

Long shadows,
against the wall,
a golden silence,
as we sit in front of the colourful flowers in the garden,
in the light of the moon,
and at it we gaze in wonder,
and at the stars in the heavens,
on a glorious summers evening in June,
whilst drinking wine,
and admiring the view,
yes, how beautiful it is with you,
with you in my arms,
in the warm air,
pointing out the stars,
that we know by name,
and watching the meteors fly across the sky,
that beguile us with their beauty,
and the speed that they fly,
as we in wonder, and amazement sigh,
how great it is sat here with you,
how great it is sat here,
holding you and kissing you,
as we stare at the heavens,
and drink wine,
happy and content,
on a beautiful summers evening in June.

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