Magical the poetry book is now available to buy

Magical the poetry book is now available to buy

Magical my poetry book is now available to buy in the store and on Amazon. Magical the poem is below:

flowers against the wall and sunlight,
and you,
so magical,
so magical,
and beautiful and wonderful,
oh, the elegance of you,
oh, the delicate you,
oh, the funny you,
the sublime you,
the wistful you,
the glorious you,
the humorous you,
the beguiling you,
mesmerising through and through and through,
oh, you,
oh, you,
wonderful you,
you are in my heart,
like all the seasons that I love,
the spring, the summer, and the autumn,
but no winter are you filled of,
no, winter are you filled of,
but only warmth and love,
only warmth and love,
and how easy it is to love you,
and how powerful your love it is,
and how glorious it is for it is like heaven in my heart,
and it is like all the stars and the galaxies,
and the planets in all their beauty,
in all their beauty,
for yours is a beauty that transcends all,
and how thankful I am for you,
and how glorious it is when you hold me so gently,
and you kiss me as you do,
you kiss me as you do,
so tenderly and full upon the lips,
and when you do,
it is like all the colours of the universe,
that from your heart and your soul,
and your eyes that do,
come shining and sparkling through,
oh, how I love you,
how I love you,
wonderful you.
wonderful, beautiful you.

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