The book contains poems by me, Benjamin Robinson. It includes the poem fake happiness.
Fake happiness,
acting out this feeling, being untrue,
pretending to be happy when it is not true,
oh, how often we do it,
but why is there such misery,
now, I have not a clue,
for it truly baffles me,
and it irritates me too,
and oh, how silly it is, how silly,
and I wish the world could see,
a reflection of the physicality,
of all the miserable people in the world,
displayed before them,
and then, maybe they would realise,
there is something seriously wrong with society,
and take it seriously,
because the mental health of the world,
is not as good as it should be,
but people amble on blindly far too often,
and often are their own worst enemies,
and so many instead fake happiness,
and oh, how I wish society was happier than it is,
and there were not so many problems plaguing the world,
and how I wish there were not so many people,
having to fake happiness to placate people,
and how I wish there was more happiness in society,
I truly do,
I truly do.
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