

how barren you are,
amongst the stars,
now, how long have you been there,
how long have you been there,
in that bit of space that you call home,
and how long have you watched over the Earth,
and how long ago were you alone,
or were you ever alone,
and were you the first to arrive,
or was the Earth,
and were you envious of it,
and were you jealous of its blue oceans,
and did you consider it to be,
worth more than you,
and did you look at it and feel sorry for it,
and did you feel sorry for it,
for carrying all that water that you do not do.
And moon,
were you surprised,
when humans landed on you,
and did you feel their feet,
jumping up and down on you,
and did it annoy you,
and did you,
wish to move somewhere else,
when the Earth,
did not talk to you?

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