Another hard-hearted soul, another cold fish,
another bitter person who is like the winter snows,
another blanked faced human,
another blanked faced human who I do not know,
who I do not know,
oh, to see humanity smiling more often,
now what a great thing that would be,
for the world even in the light of the sun,
it is so cold, it is so cold
and how many weary hearts there are out there,
how many weary hearts there are in this world,
and it is a shame, a shame to see humanity so miserable,
and the world fighting constantly,
and the cost is untold, untold,
and what a thing a smile is,
and imaging a world filled with happiness,
and a world where everyone smiles,
oh, how it lightens the soul,
how it lightens and brightens the soul,
and what a better world it is with smiles and laughter,
but there are sadly, sadly, far too many wars,
and far too many miseries which take hold of us,
and that are bombarded at us from the newspapers,
the magazines, and upon the radio,
and upon the television, and upon the Internet,
and the world is as if covered in a blanket of ice and snow,
as if covered in a blanket of ice and snow.

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