Thanks to all in the Houses of Parliament, the M.O.D, the Royal House of Windsor, and to all those who have kindly supported my writing in the UK and the US and congratulations to all those in the US Congress who have just gotten elected.
Best wishes
Benjamin Robinson – Author
Terrorism, automated anti-gravity drones, system to attack terrorists
Drug dealing, Gun crime knife crime, rape scramjet drones to defend those being attacked via CCTV mobile, to eliminate drug dealing, Artificial intelligence.
Phone apps built in software to detect bullying messages, suicidal messages. Scrapping of laws that make no sense and increase violence.
Homelessness, house every single homeless person in government owned buildings, and from the money saved buy prefabricated buildings.
Nuclear missiles and missiles, war, antigravity deflection and direction reversal.
Car crash prevention antigravity.
People not paying taxes take tax at the till from every sale, generate interest immediately.
Bank fraud, encode digital currency with fingerprints and retina scan, and only allow movement of money after passing retina scan. Digital money, encode fingerprints and retina scan.
The sun’s rays decimating the Earth, anti-gravity, soundwaves.
Cancer. Cancer screening in high streets 24 hours a day.
Financial fraud transfers of money, fingerprints and retina scan embedded in the digital currency in your bank, you have to give your permission for it to be transferred by retina fingerprint.
Prevention of diseases, drones scouring the world for plant samples that can be researched.
Suicide prevention anti-gravity infrared, drones, mobile phone recognitions of distress.
Cost of energy lowering, via the eradication of gas through kinetic ricochet energy generation, eradication of nuclear power stations, prevention of nuclear explosions.
Prevention of loss of life of police officers and security officers worldwide, drones, and antigravity.
Cost of food, drones planting crops, transporting.
Oil pollution in the Oceans. Anti-gravity to lift the oil spill out of the water.
Invasion of privacy, creation of facial movements, body movements, sound, copyright to individuals.
The root of creation, an object gives birth to another object without a label, and every object that is given birth to logically shouldn’t have a label for it to be literally true, therefore the human race has never truthfully existed.
Labels go on top of objects, law is set up to prosecute labels, not the objects underneath the labels, which are thrown in prison despite not being prosecuted, therefore every single court case in human history is a miscarriage of justice and can only be a miscarriage of justice.
Human age must be calculated from when the sperm penetrates the egg to define human age to 100% as a human form.
Mathematics relies on calculation of the truth and therefore the result is the truth.
No growth without age.
The only way to prevent rape and sexual assault effectively worldwide is to scrap the age of consent laws.
Oppression of freedom when it comes to pleasure only drives things underground and increases violence.
Label = prosecuted
Object = not prosecuted but thrown into prison
Outcome = Miscarriage of justice
Every single application of law therefore is a human rights abuse where the human rights articles apply, and unfair treatment where they do not apply.
Also anything that anyone creates is copyright to them immediately, including facial movements, body movements in general, speech and brainwaves. For use of those things, people logically should ask permission as anything you create is copyright of you immediately.
Strange ideas:
People worshipping God. God is a three letter word, not a sentient being. Billions of people worship a three letter word.